Bloood sugar, e.g. 192 minus 105 (target blood sugar) = 87 divided by 55 (1 insulin unit lowers blood sugar by approxmimately 55 points) = 1.6
Carb Ratio input carb ratio e.g. 1.5 (if not on a Carb Ratio then just input 1)
Carb/Grams count grams of carbohydrates then input e.g 60 grams
Exercise input level of post injection exercise e.g 3
Taking this example the following inputs are required; Blood sugar 192 Ins/Carb ratio 1.5 Carb/Grams 60 Exercise 3 = 7.5 insulin units to inject
If you are unsure in any way how to use Calsulin please contact your diabetic professional
